Monday, May 29, 2017



(Musings on I Corinthians 10:13)

Temptations, trials and testing are common to every one of us, including me. The Greek word used for “temptation” in this verse may apply to trials and testing as well as to well as to temptation to sin.  I choose to include both ideas in this verse, for God has a purpose for allowing such into the life of each believer.  Tested glass is tempered to withstand a certain weight; gold and silver are purified by extreme heat and fire to remove unwanted dross.


God is at work in my life conforming me into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. God will provide all that I need to enable me to endure each temptation, trial or testing for the time He has allotted to me.    Victory is mine when I submit to Him and let Him do His work. He may provide a quick escape route, esp. when temptation to sin is present; or He may wish me to go through the period of trial or testing for a short time or an extended time.  He will provide me with the strength, courage and joy needed during that period. (Did I say “joy”? Yes, joy – for there is joy in knowing the God has said, “It is the LORD who goes before you.  He will be with you: He will not leave you or forsake you.  Do not fear or be afraid.” – Deut. 31:8) Jesus promised to be with me forever and to never, ever, under any circumstance whatsoever to leave me. (Matt. 28:20)  God may be refining me or He may be preparing me for service.  Maybe I will be able to comfort another in like circumstances because I have found God faithful when I went through such difficulties. 


With God all things are possible. God knows my frame; He knows what I can stand and where my breaking point exists. He knows my strengths and my weaknesses and will not go beyond my ability to endure. Whatever the intended purpose, God is faithful!  God said it in His Word and I believe it!


May these shared thoughts be of help to you when you find yourself wondering why God is allowing certain difficulties to come into your life.  They have encouraged me, and often I need to be reminded that God is working His purposes in my life.

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