Thursday, March 26, 2015

Open My Eyes That I May See

I remain amazed at new truths discovered in Scripture which I have not seen before.  They were always there; but my eyes were not opened to them until the present reading.  In reading Luke 24:13-32 - the meeting on the road to Emmaus of 2 disciples and Jesus "that very day", the day of Resurrection - I was struck with the fact that the eyes of understanding of the disciples were kept from recognizing Jesus. (Lu. 24:16)  As they walked, Jesus explained the reasons of why it was necessary "that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into His glory", beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself." (Lu. 24:26-27)  How precious it must have been to be in the physical presence of the living resurrected Lord Jesus Christ and to have Him explain the words that He had given to men to write - His very words!  As Jesus supped with them and broke bread, "their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him.  Their hearts had burned within them as they had listened to Him open the Scriptures to them.

As I read Scripture, I, too, desire my heart to burn within with new truths. Only Christ, the Light of the world can open the eyes of understanding.   I desire the risen Christ to "Open my eyes that I might see glimpses of truth Thou has for me; place in my hands the wonderful key, that shall unclasp and set me free."  That is the Song my Saviour gave to me for today.  What song has He given you?